Our offers
Together with our partner the National Physical Laboratory NPL, we offer and develop a range of dosimetric audits for scanned particle beams.
Dosimetric end-to-end audit for scanned proton beams using dedicated homogeneous and anthropomorphic head&neck and pelvis phantoms, alanine and ionisation chambers traceable to the NPL and radiochromic films.

Reference audit
Reference dosimetry audit for scanned proton beams using ionisation chambers calibrated at the NPL and applying to IAEA TRS398 standards. More information at NPL.
Audit Service in a
Learn about the key facts of the Audit Service directly from the program manager Antonio Carlino, PhD.
Latest publications
E2E testing based on alanine and IC dosimetry for a new combination of TCS/OIS & PBS proton gantry
P. Roisl, M. Schafasand, J. Hopfgartner, M. Stock, A. Carlino
ESTRO 2023 Conference, Vienna, Austria
Results of an independent dosimetry audit for scanned proton beam therapy facilities
A. Carlino et al
Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik, Volume 31, Issue 2, Pages 145 – 153